Mocking Angular Dependencies in Unit Tests
TIL how to properly mock angular dependencies in Unit Tests using the Jasmine test framework.
Angular was written with testability in mind
This was something I have kept in the back of my head since I started working with Angular a little over a year ago, and have honestly struggled to understand… and today I was finally struck with clarity: angular is incredibly easy to unit test, thanks to dependency injection
and the ease with which dependencies can be mocked
I won’t go in depth in to dependency injection
here (maybe another day…) but the fact that angular leverages this pattern throughout construction of its controllers and services makes mocking and testing units of code a breeze.
If a unit under test relies on a method call to an injected dependency, the jasmine test framework makes it easy to mock and call fake methods whenever the dependency is needed, allowing the tester to focus on the unit under test instead of first making sure a particular dependency is functioning as expected.
Note: testing with realistic responses from the backend should be reserved for integration tests, and should not be of concern at the unit level.
I just spent the last week testing changes to a controller that leverages a service to request data from a paged API endpoint for our app. The controller makes a call to the service on initial load to request a default set of data.
Initially, my tests all looked something like this:
describe('test $scope.manipulateMembers', function(){
var data = load(data_from_fixture); //takes a long time
$httpBackend.expectGET('default/api/request').respond(200, data);
it('should update $scope.loaded to be true', function(){
$httpBackend.flush(); //takes a while
//assertions begin here
Each describe block started with an expectation for a request to the backend for the default set of data. While this is good to check in an integration scenario, the interaction between the backend and the controller should be irrelevant when testing a unit of code in the controller. The unit should function the same whether the backend request is made or not.
Furthermore, the data we were returning each time was quite large (to emulate a realistic set of data being returned from the backend) and was re-loaded from a fixture before each test. I was performing an integration test with the backend for each of my unit tests.
Additionally, asserting that the backend was called correctly when the controller was loaded and flushing the backend for each unit added a TON of time to each test: tests took upwards of 2000ms a piece, and often would cause our karma server to disconnect in the middle of a test run because tests were running so slow.
Luckily, I realized this didn’t need to be the case, as I figured out how to mock the default call to the service that interfaced with the backend by using jasmine spys
and mocks
describe('test $scope.manipulateMembers', function(){
spyOn(serviceName, 'serviceMethod').and.callFake(function(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
deferred.resolve(['some', 'fake', 'data']);
return deferred.promise;
it('should update $scope.loaded to be true', function(){
By mocking the default call to the backend service via a jasmine spy, we can forgo dealing with the backend request expectations + loading realistic data from a fixture on initial digest.
Test execution time was reduced from over 2000ms per test, to 10ms per test.
This type of mocking is possible with ANY service that may be necessary for testing a particular unit of code in my controller.
This was a truly enlightening experience overall, and really helped solidify my understand of that timeless phrase angular was written with testability in mind as well as the differences between unit
and integration
tests on the frontEnd.
I hope you feel enlightened as well.
Happy Leap Day!